
Elizabeth Laird – Eddy and the movie star



Proza (romans/novellen), leermiddelen ; Engels, Leermiddelen, romans en novellen ; oorspr. – andere talen


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Elizabeth Laird is a writer of children’s fiction and travel, and lives in England. She is also known for the large body of folktales which she collected from the regions of Ethiopia. Her books have been translated into at least fifteen languages Her works include: Red Sky in the Morning–Highly Commended for the Carnegie Medal and shortlisted for the Children’s Book Award; Hiding Out – Winner of the Smarties Young Judges Award; Jake’s Tower – Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal and the Guardian Children’s Book Award; The Garbage King – Winner of the Scottish Arts Council Children’s Book of the Year award and the Stockport Book award. It has also been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal, the Blue Peter Award, the Salford Children’s Book Award, the Calderdale Children’s Book Award, the Lincolnshire Young People’s Book Award, the Stockton Children’s Book of the Year, the West Sussex Children’s Book Award, the Portsmouth Book Award and the Sheffield Children’s Book Award; and A Little Piece of Ground – Winner of the Hampshire Book Award and has been shortlisted for the Southern Schools Book Award.

Eddy and the movie star / Elizabeth Laird ; [ill. by Bob Harvey]. – Groningen
: Wolters-Noordhoff, 2002. – 64 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. – (Early blackbirds ;
Oorspr. Engelse uitg.: Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann ELT. – (Macmilllan guided
readers series).
ISBN 90-01-55500-4
ISBN 90-01-55497-0 (set)
Algemene typering: tekst; zonder medium; band